Several days later I got the book in the mail. When I opened up the envelope I saw a little package and my immediate thought was "Crap! I didn't send Rhonda anything extra...." When I read the note and saw the sock I burst out into a laughter that brought Ed and Nick running (clearly when you live with someone chronically ill there is some level of constant monitoring that goes on and any sound I make brings someone to check me out).
Oh my god, you made my day woman! The best part was that the socks were made from Fleece Artist that I had sent to Rhonda in a Random Act of Kindness. Thank you so much Rhonda (I had emailed her immediately when I received the sock and book but hadn't posted yet)!
And I would like to give a huge shout out to Emily for such a fantastic and fun idea....thanks so much!
Now.....about the Bloomin' Feet Swap. Incredibly, they have been started (which with the events of the last month in my body is kind of a miracle but clearly I am able to focus more...woohoo!).
I wanted to do something different, original and unique. However, I need to make sure my Bloomin' Feet Pal likes them (I am quite happy keep them for me so be bluntly honest in your opinions) before I turn the heel, as my pal's feet are not the same size as mine.
My concept was to create a sock that is almost like a collage, interjecting two patterns in one sock with two complementary yarns.
I am using Farmhouse and Jasper (no link - they don't make this colourway anymore!) in STR lightweight. The Farmhouse pattern is done in Basketweave from Sensational Knitted Socks and the Jasper pattern is done in the Wave and Shield pattern from Barbara Walker's Treasury of Knitted Patterns. It may be hard to see the final concept as I have only been able to do one repeat of the Jasper to date. No question it is a funky idea and no question it may not be for everyone. The photo doesn't do it justice.
I am contemplating ripping it back to create only 1 and a half repeats of the Basketweave (there are currently two) although I have some plans after I have turned the heel to showcase the Jasper pattern.
Feel free to be honest. I don't want to send it to someone who really doesn't like it and I'd love your feedback anyway. I am quite pleased with it but can also appreciate the fact that we all don't have the same tastes or have at 'er!Front view on the blocker - a little un-natural for the sock but gives you a better idea of the patterns. You may have to click on the photo for a better closeup.
Sideview of the sock on the blocker. More like it would be on your foot. **I have to add that the photos are NOT the best representations of the colours - the Farmhouse is more muted and the burgundy that is Jasper is actually in the Farmhouse. I can only blame it on the fancy schmancy digital camera Ed bought me for Christmas (to replace the cheap one I was using - took more accurate pictures though) which I haven't had energy to read up on (and I do have a degree in Photography - like you'd know!).
A Little Aside - I continue to apologize for my sporatic appearance wirh regards to posting and commenting; people have been so kind and understanding - thank you. Without going into huge detail (I am sure it is getting boring for you) I have been in the hospital 3 times in the last 3 weeks and I am in a period of 'adjustment' (for lack of a better term) with respect to my kidneys, bladder, my hormones and my CNS. My doctor, who has experience and distance, is pleased with my progress (it is that whole thing of my body needing to adjust to changes in the dysfunction while dealing with the trouble the lead continues to cause) but acknowledges that for me it is painful, discomforting and tiring. I have wavered a few times, had a couple of good cries (carefully though so I don't send my system totally out of whack) and I am trying to see the positives. So, thanks for continuing to be patient....I really appreciate it!