So I have a new home. I have to give a ton of thanks to Amanda who helped me immensely with the conversion. I hope you like it. I am still getting used to Typepad but I have to say it is much easier and more intuitive than Blogger. Now I just have to get my old posts transferred and I am golden.
Susan tagged me with the seven random things oh, about two weeks ago and I am finally getting around to it - woohoo!
So, in no particular order here they are:
- When I was a teenager I had a pet snake. A rainbow cobra. I loved my snake. I also had a couple of budgies and two cockatiels along the just dogs and one cat.
- I have my name on a plaque at York University in Bethune College for "Outstanding Contribution to College Life." I think I got it in 1994 or 1995 but I don't usually think about it. Once when I came to a Children's Aid Society for a meeting and announced my name to the receptionist, a woman across the office yelled out,"I recognize you - you're on a plaque at Bethune!" I wanted to sink beneath the floor.
- I ruptured my left achilles tendon playing squash while at York. When the Doctor at emerg (the second emerg because the first one told me I had sprained my ankle) told me I would require immediate surgery I laughed at him....I guess he got the last laugh because I was on crutches, after the surgery, for about 4 months.
- One of the peak experiences of my life was horseback riding in the mountains at Lake Louise in Banff, Alberta. I can still see, smell and hear it in my head.
- For about 7 years after getting sick I couldn't read a knitting pattern. It was all just gobblyguck. Sometimes it still is. Ditto on reading manuals (and everything these days comes with a 150 page manual - crap!).
- When I first went to SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) where I majored in Printmaking and Textiles (weaving), I decided that I would instead go to University to become a Medical Illustrator...until I took my first course with cadavers at the University of Toronto. Between the smell of formaldahyde and the way the other students treated the bodies I had to quit. I also stopped eating turkey (I was already not eating red meat).
- When I was a teenager I had a great gig doing catering for locals in the Winnipeg area. I was also approached by two local galleries asking to exhibit my artwork.
I hope you find the list interesting and I know there is nothing there I have ever shared before. Great way to start my new blog. Keep posted though because I have a great contest coming up.....I promise it won't be weeks before I post it.
And I will end with a picture of the Travelling Vine socks I knit for Margene for the Bloomin' Feet swap. Thanks for visiting!
And, please if you can, go check out Kirsty. She is looking for support for her half-marathon to raise funds for Leukemia and Lymphoma. Thanks!