Today was Nick's 15th birthday! YAY!
We actually spent a very quiet day at home. Nick had several assignments for school sooooo while he was doing school work I was making this:
Haleakala Cake from Maida Heatter's Cake Book. White cake (Nick has this thing about white cake. Me totally Carrot cake all the way, Ed is a cheesecake man) with Pineapple and Coconut filling and Marshmallow icing ( I did make a few modifications in the recipe).
I made the meal Nick requested....well almost. He asked for fried chicken, he got roasted. Add potato salad, bean salad (he loves, I mean LOVES my bean salad) and devilled eggs. It was a pretty good meal. Nick is taking leftovers to school tomorrow.
There were gifts, including Guitar Hero III and a really cool red leather wallet (with plaid material as the lining - sorry no photo; he squired it away immediately!) from Splatgirl (Lara is awesome - she made the wallet especially for Nick and was so quick in getting it to me). One of the best parts for Nick was the wrapping - he loves racing and red and he is 15 - what are the odds of getting all three on wrapping paper.
Okay I did go a little overboard on the birthday cake decorations (Ed and Nick were totally giving me the gears about how it is so me). It does look great though. I did learn that one should never put sparklers on a white cake (or maybe any cake for that matter) - they left little tiny black specks on the frosting (I don't know if I want to know what might be in those specks!).
Cake eaten with Rhubarb Ginger - yummy! The birthday boy indulged heartily and with quite a bit of gusto.
All in all a great birthday. Nick is such a great kid and it was really nice to have a small family celebration. Happy birthday my little scrunchion!
Apparently we are going really really large for the big 16 next year. With that said I am going to bed now!