walnut! Yes, incredibly that WAS the size of the stone that was blasted up through the lithotripsy. Hard to believe. I am sorry I haven't posted yet but as always the whole process was fraught with a few hiccups.
The procedure itself was pretty smooth. Had to have an x-ray, do some pre-procedure stuff (sort of freaked when the nurse said something about it being on the left side; my specialist said it was on the right side - and they are never wrong are they??). The procedure itself was somewhat painful but the drugs they administered were amazing..lol (I would never become an addict but there is something about narcotics and sedatives given by IV that is so sublime....). I came out it really quickly and Ed was impressed with how good I looked after. The Dr. said it broke up beautifully and all I needed to do was drink A LOT of fluid and flush out the sediment.
So I ended up in the hospital twice last week - once on Tuesday (an incredibly horrific stomach spasm - first in the morning and the second, much worse on our way home - that rendered me in a wheelchair and unabashedly sobbing in the ER - I know I freaked out Ed - receiving antispasmotic and antinausea IM meds in either side of my butt) and then again on Thursday (incredible pain in the nether region, spasms and burning in my bladder - had a foley catheter - a real treat let me tell you! - ended up with some antibiotics for the UTI and percocet which I stopped using after 2 pills because I couldn't handle feeling so spaced out). My fibromyalgia went into overdrive after the procedure and the fragments can apparently cause tiny tears in the mucousal lining of the uretheter which further irritated everything. I am trying to minimize the detail because, well, heck who needs to hear it all (and even this may be too much).
Friday saw the arrival of my monthly friend which caused further spasm and irritation (can I tell you how impressed I was with that - like I didn't have enough to deal with). I have been so bloody tired and of course when the massive cold sore arrived this Wednesday I wasn't surprised. I can honestly say that I way exceeded my pain threshold last week...and my threshold is high. I spent much of the weekend on Tylenol 3's which helped to minimize the pain, got some homeopathic remedies from my Doctor on Tuesday and while they have helped for a bit the pain has been pretty brutal again today. The interesting thing is that until they blasted this stone I have never had a spasm on my left side - I am totally making up for that let me tell you!
I really appreciate your kind words, the positive vibes (they worked!) and the compliments on my knitting (thank you so much) and I really hope to be up and running, and participating a bit in blogland soon... I don't do the baby steps really well. Oh and I have some knitting to share! Woohoo! I hope everyone has a great weekend!