Wow. It's hard to believe that I am actually writing a post. 2008 ended up being such a hard year for me healthwise. I anticipated not having a great summer (the humidity really bothers my fibro) although this summer was spectacularly bad - we had so much rain. Which continued into the fall and the heightened level of moisture just kept all things fibro (and otherwise) at an exacerbated level.
I think that my vulnerability and level of anxiety always increases during these bouts (and they always seem so much worse when I have had a taste of more normalcy) and my isolation becomes so much more severe (my level of cognitive fatigue just doesn't allow me to expend a lot of energy - hard to describe but it is soooo debilitating - kind of similar to that feeling you had in University when you pulled an all nighter or two). I am in turn very hard on myself (see I just can't get that "I can accept where I am" crap) and the vicious cycle becomes quite a spiral. I feel very much like the outsider looking in on a life I want to be living and my thoughts become very dark and the cup nearly empty rather than half full. I want to be involved, I want to do more, I want to be able to get out and go places. I struggle with feeling that I am not giving enough in my relationships or my life (I have 900 emails in my inbox, phone calls to return, things to take care of, projects to finish, dreams to actualize) and I have so much guilt about what Nick and Ed have to put up with. Chronic illness is a bitch.
Tomorrow (Monday, January 12) I have a lithotripsy scheduled at the Kidney Stone Clinic at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. With any luck (and please feel free to send positive energy my way to bust up and expel the fragments) I can get this taken care of without further procedures and get back to aiming for some abatement of the 'other' current symptomology I am experiencing. Of course, as the specialist noted my stone is in the lower pole of the kidney so not the best possible scenario. My good fortune. It's funny, in some totally perverse way, that my fibro pain is so bad these days that the kidney stone pain is not really that bad (and anyone who has had kidney stones knows that it rates up there with the worst), or at least it doesn't seem so to me.
On the knitting front, I totally blew up on the ABC along - I think I got to E. I didn't join this year. Prudent move on my part I Of course I did sign up for a few clubs but no 'a-longs.' Why court more disappointment?
In terms of knitting, 2008 wasn't a total bust - I finished some long standing WIP's, 3 sweaters for my two guys, 3 baby sweaters, 3 shawls, 1 scarf and 1 moebius cowl, 2 Lizard Ridge blankets and 6 pairs of socks (all posted on Ravelry but I am throwing in a few gratuitous pics here). The knitting (even though I have pretty constant pain in my joints and muscles from my shoulders to my fingertips) is meditative and soothing and, most importantly to A types like me, something I actually accomplish. I am so not "process" oriented.
I also read a lot last year and really got into papercrafts (card making, scrapbooking) although again my dreams of what I can accomplish are always so much bigger that what actually gets done.
Thanks for letting me vent. I know I still have it so good in spite of all the bad. If I owe you a phone call, an email or a good laugh I do promise I will get around to it. I have to say I love the changes to Typepad. Can you believe how big Nick is getting? He is such a sweetie.
Note to self: Update the sidebars!!