Posted at 06:58 PM in Warming Grace | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This is so amazing given that my original thought was one little blanket for my niece Grace. Wow.
Of course having these numbers requires a level of management, organization and attention that is challenging.
I apologize for not getting around to my favourite bloggers the way I would like. I actually thought I was caught up last weekend and was patting myself on the back (even got to a few blogs...) - HA!
Here I am again trying to catch up.
We got LOTS of mail this week; lots and lots of blue squares for Justin. Amazing! Still more pink Grace squares and other colours which can be used for boys or girls. Awesome!
This is an experience like nothing I have ever had the opportunity to appreciate. Each parcel with it's contents lovingly put together, beautiful notes for me and for the kids. Such love, caring and compassion - I giggle, laugh and cry. This experience is humbling and beautiful.
The squares are from everywhere; several Provinces in Canada, Many States from the States, England and the English Channel, France, Australia and Singapore.
I am truly starting to believe that if the world was left up to knitters we could solve a lot of the world's ails.
I am so glad we are focusing on the kids.
There will be a big sewing party on this Sunday at Village Yarns. It should start at about 1030am and if you are in the area - come!
Justin's blanket will be sewn together and finished between Sunday and Monday. I have a goal to stick to.
I am staying in Toronto until Tuesday night (Dr.'s appts) so I will post Wednesday am at the latest.
I am also hoping to get a good start on Grace and Simone's blankets and farm out a couple more to wonderful people who are willing to put an entire blanket together.
I have had a number of emails from people wondering if it is too late, if their square will be used, etc.
I will make blankets for as long as I receive squares. If you want to make more, you can always make the colour of the month as per Project Spectrum.
Make any colour you like.
The sad deal about all of this is that there will always be a need for these blankets so I will keep on sewing and if there is a need for a child somewhere and we can help him or her, please email me and we will get on it.
I need to send out SHOUTS and SHOUTS of thanks to the following knitters whose squares I have received this week:
Aija, Amy, Ann L., Ariane, Barbara, Beth K, Carole A, Carrie, Christina, Daphne, Eileen, Francesca, Jackie, Jamie, Janine, Jillian, Joanne R, Kate, Katrina, Kelli-Ann, Lauren P, Lisa, Lu, Lucia, Marie-Michele N, Marnie, Michelle, Rhonda, Susan, Suzanna and Vicki! (If I have made any boo boo's please let me know).
The squares are beautiful and the cards and the notes are wonderful. YOU GUYS ROCK! ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY ROCK!
Lauren sent a whole box full of goodies along with her squares. All kinds of groovy stuff totally suitable for Grace, Simone and Justin.
Lauren's two kids are named Grace and Justin. What are the odds?
I didn't realize it at the time but there are also two skeins of Reynolds Lopi in there for me. Thank you so much Lauren!
Amy also sent some goodies for Grace and Simone (I didn't get a chance to photograph them but I will). Thanks so much Amy!
Jillian kindly sent along these two skeins for the June 30th draw.
They are 2 50gram skeins of KnitPicks Shadow Merino Laceweight in the colour Vineyard. It is a lovely burgundy/purple with flecks of yellow and red. Spectacular. A total of 880 yards which could certainly make something really decent.
Thank you Jillian!
If anyone else would like to donate something for the draw on June 30th, please feel free!
Ariane sent along this passel of goodies. Nick is drooling but I told him to keep his mitts off. After all he has a whack of candy just received from Amanda.
Ariane you really didn't have to. Thank you so much!
Rabbitch sent along these markers. I thought they were for the next draw. Apparently not. They are for me. Me! I can't believe it! Rabbitch you really didn't need to.
Thank you so much Rabbitch!
I just want to say thank you for all of your ongoing generosity and enthusiasm in this little project.
I am so touched and impressed and humbled by the quality of people out there.
I keep laughing as you all tell me thanks for the opportunity and for the work I am doing; you don't have to, I am really doing so little in comparison.
Your caring, compassion, love, positive prayers and energy are miraculous. Truly miraculous. I do feel so incredibly humbled and I am so blessed to be such a part of this project.
Posted at 06:52 AM | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
I can't believe how quickly time seems to move along. Not surprisingly you have taken up the gauntlet regarding Justin and how! I have started to get blue squares already and those pink squares are still pouring in! Thank you so much!
I am finally going to be starting the sewing - we are having a big party at Village Yarns. They have generously turned over the store to us on Sunday, May 28 (I wonder if they will let me shop??!!!) and I will be hanging out in Toronto for Monday night's project group as well to keep on finishing the blankets. Thank you Karen and Julia!
If you are in town and can come let me know. My intention is to have Justin's blanket done as well as Grace's and Simone's well underway(if not done).
More will be done as I will be giving them to a couple of generous volunteers who are willing to take an entire blanket's worth of squares and sew them up. Can't wait to get the initial blankets finished and on their way!
It has been quite a week. Lots of emails from interested knitters. If you email me and haven't heard from me within 24 hours try me at [email protected] - I have been having some difficulty with my email carrier and I do apologize (I am trying to rectify the problem).
Arrivals on several days. More squares from Anny, Batman, Carol, Celia, Debbie A, Irene, Joanne A, Kelli Ann, Leah, Liz, Rae, Rebecca, Shanna, Teresa and Teyani. Your energy and enthusiasm is unbelievable and thanks are so inadequate. THANK YOU ANYWAY!! I still have plans to take pictures of the squares but I may wait until the blankets are done (there are a lot of squares!)
Teresa sent a lovely little bag of goodies(see above) for Grace with this beautiful bracelet on the outside. Grace will love it. Thank you Teresa!
Joanne A. sent this so totally cute knitted teddy bear. He is so adorable! Thank you Joanne!
Carol also sent me a gratis set of square blockers that she and her buddy Ann make and sell. They sell blocking kits for sweaters as well as things in the round. I have one of their larger kits and they are fantastic! You can email them at [email protected] to find out about these lovely goodies. Thank you Carol!
It looks small but there are over 400 squares in that basket - Nick calls it the Laundry Basket of Love. I was finally able to put a sticky label with a name on the back of each square so they could be identified, got all the postcards, cards and notes organized, names with emails and blogs - it did take some time. I do have a system so hopefully it will be that much easier from now.
I was speaking to my brother earlier in the week. Grace, Simone and Justin are maintaining which is the best that anyone can hope for. He was also telling me about the Clinic Poke Box.
The Poke Box is for every child who gets a poke (treatment/intrusion/needle) of any kind while at the day clinic or at the Q cluster (oncology department) - they go to the box and take a small goody. These goodies range from pencils, play jewellry, paper, small toys, etc.
So if you want to send something for the Poke box feel free. He says that the stuff they have that gets donated is great! I am trying to get him to get me a photo of the Poke box so I can post it.
Exciting, exciting news. I got an email from Janet Szabo. Yes, that Janet Szabo. She is excited about our project and wants to get involved!
Janet is a 12 year survivor of Leukemia (Congratulations Janet!!!!) and she has decided to do the following for us; she is donating a prize for the draw - your choice of: 1. a copy of Aran Sweater Design or 2. a copy of the I Hate to Finish Sweaters book or 3. a one year subscription to Twists and Turns! This is so fantastic! Thank you Janet!
June 3rd is the 12 year anniversary of her diagnosis. She is going to work up 3 or 4 cable knit square patterns and post them to Aranknit as an "Anniversary Challenge." (I am going to see if we can post them here but I am sure we can put the link on the sidebar!). She is also going to mention our project in the Fall issue of Twists and Turns. Awesome eh!!! Thank you so very much Janet - YOU ROCK! Thank you again Janet!
I got some yarn from Celia in the mail for the draw. This is as beautiful as it looks. 22 micron Merino top. Thank you Celia!
And, in further draw news Dee from Posh Yarns in the UK is donating a 100 gram skein of cashmere/merino for the draw. This looks so yummy! Can you believe it? Thank you Dee!
I continue to be thrilled and touched by the generosity of everyone in donating to the draws - this is just icing on the cake but really it is so incredibly special.
I have also finally mailed out all the yarn and needles and things to the draw winners of May - sorry for the delay; it took me a bit longer than I thought. You should be receiving them next week.
Again thank you to all of you who have knit squares, are knitting squares, will be knitting squares and who have donated draw prizes. You and this project warm me!
Posted at 03:32 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Justin needs those squares! We will have the blanket to him as soon as possible.
I knit 3 squares myself last night with more set for today. They are blocked and I will sew in the ends today. I used some Morehouse Merino 3 strand and oh it is so soft and warm and light. I am going to have to order some more in different colours.
If we get more than 63 squares? Sadly, no problem - there are others who need the blankets too. My immediate focus is Justin. He needs the blanket. NOW!
I have my squares basket loaded with the colours I need: Blue for Justin (and other boys), Pink for Grace and Simone (and other girls) and Green for Jamie's friend's grandfather.
I do have other colours to add to the basket once these are used: purples, yellows, oranges and reds to name just a few.
Thanks for answering the original call and making squares and thank you to those able to get me squares for Justin as soon as possible. You continue to amaze me!
Posted at 11:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 06:50 PM in Warming Grace | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
We are up to 174 participants!! Wow!
Another week of mega deliveries! Lots and lots of squares; some of you knitters are seriously putting it out!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Amanda Cathleen, Claudia, Crystal, Dawn, Emily, Kimberly, Liz, Lynne, Melissa, Ramona and her S 'n B group from Albuquerque (Amy, Carole, Diane and Noelle) ,Sarah, Sharon, Susan, Teresa, Terri and Vicki. I also want to put a huge thanks out to Jennifer B. from Spokane, WA and Paula E. from Centre, AL - can you please email me so I have your proper emails (and if you have blogs that I have not linked you to). THANK YOU!!!
The mail just keeps on coming. Even as I write this blog I have some mail and goodies not photographed. I will try to get it up as soon as possible.
Kerstin sent me this. This little heart blanket is absolutely stunning. Thank you so much Kerstin; I don't really have the adjectives to adequately describe my appreciation. Some little darling is going to love her new blankie. You are a superstar!
Thank you Kerstin!
Amanda Cathleen sent this lovely little box - not only squares but two lovely little dolls (going to Grace and Simone).
Oh and there is some sustenance in there for me as well - tee hee. Some chocolate peanut butter bars that Amanda Cathleen says are even better frozen. Yummy!
Thank you Amanda Cathleen!
Emily also sent me some sustanence! You guys are too much! I am torn between saying you really don't have to (and you really don't have to) and telling to keep bringing it on! Ed loves Jelly Belly so he'll have to be really nice to get some of these babies - I got a lot of squares to sew together - A LOT!! Thank you Emily!
Lynne sent me some markers. I love them! I am not expecting anything; your notes and well wishes are gifts enough but I have to say these little treasures are really wonderful!
Thank you Lynne!
Dorothy sent me a set of wooden circular needles and a set of cable needles. Holy crap! These are so beautiful! I can't wait to use them. They are just so lovely.
Thank you Dorothy!
Warming Grace Phase Two
Okay so there will be another draw! Yes indeedee. Another draw! Besides the fact that people continue to volunteer things for another draw I figure we should do another one. You guys so seriously rock. The next draw will be June 30, 2006, and all squares received beginning this week are entered. So keep sending the squares. Any colour, any pattern.
What do I have for the next draw so far?
1. My lovely brother is donating another $300.00 in gift certificates(3 x $100.00) from Make 1 Yarns. We will have to hear back from our other winners as to how much fun this is. He is absolutely blown away by us knitters. I am blown away by him! Thank you Jamie!
2. The lovely Rabbitch is donating another set of stitch markers. Rabbitch actually sells her stuff - she has markers and handdyed, handspun. Check her out here. Thank you Rabbitch!
3. The S 'n B group from Albuqueque donated a skein of STR. I don't know what it is about this yarn but I do have an unatural reaction to this yarn. I love it! The colour is Cobalt Bloom and it is lovely.
4. I have some Fleece Artist, Koigu, some Brown Sheep and some other yarn goodies up for the draw...more on this later!
5. Celia who so generously donated a skein of her handdyed is donating a skein of her handspun, handdyed this time around. Thank you Celia! Check out her etsy; she has some new yarn there!
6. Jen from whom I purchased this wonderful sock bag (I love it so much!!!) is donating one of her bags for the draw. I am donating another one. These bags are so excellent! Check out her etsy too! I love Jen's bags so much I am going to get some more!
Thank you Jen!
That is what we have so far - aren't we all wonderful! If you would like to donate something email me. Seriously, I am thrilled beyond belief; at the response to the call for squares, at the extra gifts for Grace, the goodies for me, at the generosity for draw prizes. The squares are coming from all over and I love to read the notes and cards, this is such a special thing. The blankets will be magic.
Another call for squares to note: Jamie is putting out the call for green squares for a friend's grandfather who is in a hospice. Green is great for all those participating in Project Spectrum (I think I am stuck in the pink month!) so if you can make her an 8x8" square head on over. I don't think Christine knew what was ahead when she first decided to ask for squares for her brother. Thank you for your inspiration Christine!
Posted at 07:52 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)