My SIL Adrienne just emailed me this photo of Grace and her 'boyfriend' Justin.
Gracie loves Justin and says she is going to marry him. Gracie doesn't know that Justin is very very sick.
Justin has liver cancer and he remains very ill. According to Adrienne, Justin has surpassed his Doctors predictions that he wouldn't make it past February, and they are just so grateful for everyday Justin survives and the time Gracie has with her Prince Charming. They are all very close so this is an upsetting and emotional time for both families. Please keep them in your prayers.
She also said that Justin would probably love a blankie, and it would give his parents a good deal of comfort. I did know about Justin (that he and Gracie were buddies and that his situation didn't look so good) but now we can do something!
So, we need 63 squares now! Anyone who can knit up a square or three and get them to me within 10 days please let me know. Make sure they are blocked and ready to be sewn together. Don't worry about a postcard (I know how hard it has been for everyone to find them); send a note to Justin and make sure you include where you live.
The first blanket will be for Justin. I want to have it ready to send within three weeks and whatever you can do will be great! Thank you.
Please make sure I have your email address! Thanks!