We are up to 174 participants!! Wow!
Another week of mega deliveries! Lots and lots of squares; some of you knitters are seriously putting it out!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Amanda Cathleen, Claudia, Crystal, Dawn, Emily, Kimberly, Liz, Lynne, Melissa, Ramona and her S 'n B group from Albuquerque (Amy, Carole, Diane and Noelle) ,Sarah, Sharon, Susan, Teresa, Terri and Vicki. I also want to put a huge thanks out to Jennifer B. from Spokane, WA and Paula E. from Centre, AL - can you please email me so I have your proper emails (and if you have blogs that I have not linked you to). THANK YOU!!!
The mail just keeps on coming. Even as I write this blog I have some mail and goodies not photographed. I will try to get it up as soon as possible.
Kerstin sent me this. This little heart blanket is absolutely stunning. Thank you so much Kerstin; I don't really have the adjectives to adequately describe my appreciation. Some little darling is going to love her new blankie. You are a superstar!
Thank you Kerstin!
Amanda Cathleen sent this lovely little box - not only squares but two lovely little dolls (going to Grace and Simone).
Oh and there is some sustenance in there for me as well - tee hee. Some chocolate peanut butter bars that Amanda Cathleen says are even better frozen. Yummy!
Thank you Amanda Cathleen!
Emily also sent me some sustanence! You guys are too much! I am torn between saying you really don't have to (and you really don't have to) and telling to keep bringing it on! Ed loves Jelly Belly so he'll have to be really nice to get some of these babies - I got a lot of squares to sew together - A LOT!! Thank you Emily!
Lynne sent me some markers. I love them! I am not expecting anything; your notes and well wishes are gifts enough but I have to say these little treasures are really wonderful!
Thank you Lynne!
Dorothy sent me a set of wooden circular needles and a set of cable needles. Holy crap! These are so beautiful! I can't wait to use them. They are just so lovely.
Thank you Dorothy!
Warming Grace Phase Two
Okay so there will be another draw! Yes indeedee. Another draw! Besides the fact that people continue to volunteer things for another draw I figure we should do another one. You guys so seriously rock. The next draw will be June 30, 2006, and all squares received beginning this week are entered. So keep sending the squares. Any colour, any pattern.
What do I have for the next draw so far?
1. My lovely brother is donating another $300.00 in gift certificates(3 x $100.00) from Make 1 Yarns. We will have to hear back from our other winners as to how much fun this is. He is absolutely blown away by us knitters. I am blown away by him! Thank you Jamie!
2. The lovely Rabbitch is donating another set of stitch markers. Rabbitch actually sells her stuff - she has markers and handdyed, handspun. Check her out here. Thank you Rabbitch!
3. The S 'n B group from Albuqueque donated a skein of STR. I don't know what it is about this yarn but I do have an unatural reaction to this yarn. I love it! The colour is Cobalt Bloom and it is lovely.
4. I have some Fleece Artist, Koigu, some Brown Sheep and some other yarn goodies up for the draw...more on this later!
5. Celia who so generously donated a skein of her handdyed is donating a skein of her handspun, handdyed this time around. Thank you Celia! Check out her etsy; she has some new yarn there!
6. Jen from whom I purchased this wonderful sock bag (I love it so much!!!) is donating one of her bags for the draw. I am donating another one. These bags are so excellent! Check out her etsy too! I love Jen's bags so much I am going to get some more!
Thank you Jen!
That is what we have so far - aren't we all wonderful! If you would like to donate something email me. Seriously, I am thrilled beyond belief; at the response to the call for squares, at the extra gifts for Grace, the goodies for me, at the generosity for draw prizes. The squares are coming from all over and I love to read the notes and cards, this is such a special thing. The blankets will be magic.
Another call for squares to note: Jamie is putting out the call for green squares for a friend's grandfather who is in a hospice. Green is great for all those participating in Project Spectrum (I think I am stuck in the pink month!) so if you can make her an 8x8" square head on over. I don't think Christine knew what was ahead when she first decided to ask for squares for her brother. Thank you for your inspiration Christine!