This is so amazing given that my original thought was one little blanket for my niece Grace. Wow.
Of course having these numbers requires a level of management, organization and attention that is challenging.
I apologize for not getting around to my favourite bloggers the way I would like. I actually thought I was caught up last weekend and was patting myself on the back (even got to a few blogs...) - HA!
Here I am again trying to catch up.
We got LOTS of mail this week; lots and lots of blue squares for Justin. Amazing! Still more pink Grace squares and other colours which can be used for boys or girls. Awesome!
This is an experience like nothing I have ever had the opportunity to appreciate. Each parcel with it's contents lovingly put together, beautiful notes for me and for the kids. Such love, caring and compassion - I giggle, laugh and cry. This experience is humbling and beautiful.
The squares are from everywhere; several Provinces in Canada, Many States from the States, England and the English Channel, France, Australia and Singapore.
I am truly starting to believe that if the world was left up to knitters we could solve a lot of the world's ails.
I am so glad we are focusing on the kids.
There will be a big sewing party on this Sunday at Village Yarns. It should start at about 1030am and if you are in the area - come!
Justin's blanket will be sewn together and finished between Sunday and Monday. I have a goal to stick to.
I am staying in Toronto until Tuesday night (Dr.'s appts) so I will post Wednesday am at the latest.
I am also hoping to get a good start on Grace and Simone's blankets and farm out a couple more to wonderful people who are willing to put an entire blanket together.
I have had a number of emails from people wondering if it is too late, if their square will be used, etc.
I will make blankets for as long as I receive squares. If you want to make more, you can always make the colour of the month as per Project Spectrum.
Make any colour you like.
The sad deal about all of this is that there will always be a need for these blankets so I will keep on sewing and if there is a need for a child somewhere and we can help him or her, please email me and we will get on it.
I need to send out SHOUTS and SHOUTS of thanks to the following knitters whose squares I have received this week:
Aija, Amy, Ann L., Ariane, Barbara, Beth K, Carole A, Carrie, Christina, Daphne, Eileen, Francesca, Jackie, Jamie, Janine, Jillian, Joanne R, Kate, Katrina, Kelli-Ann, Lauren P, Lisa, Lu, Lucia, Marie-Michele N, Marnie, Michelle, Rhonda, Susan, Suzanna and Vicki! (If I have made any boo boo's please let me know).
The squares are beautiful and the cards and the notes are wonderful. YOU GUYS ROCK! ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY ROCK!
Lauren sent a whole box full of goodies along with her squares. All kinds of groovy stuff totally suitable for Grace, Simone and Justin.
Lauren's two kids are named Grace and Justin. What are the odds?
I didn't realize it at the time but there are also two skeins of Reynolds Lopi in there for me. Thank you so much Lauren!
Amy also sent some goodies for Grace and Simone (I didn't get a chance to photograph them but I will). Thanks so much Amy!
Jillian kindly sent along these two skeins for the June 30th draw.
They are 2 50gram skeins of KnitPicks Shadow Merino Laceweight in the colour Vineyard. It is a lovely burgundy/purple with flecks of yellow and red. Spectacular. A total of 880 yards which could certainly make something really decent.
Thank you Jillian!
If anyone else would like to donate something for the draw on June 30th, please feel free!
Ariane sent along this passel of goodies. Nick is drooling but I told him to keep his mitts off. After all he has a whack of candy just received from Amanda.
Ariane you really didn't have to. Thank you so much!
Rabbitch sent along these markers. I thought they were for the next draw. Apparently not. They are for me. Me! I can't believe it! Rabbitch you really didn't need to.
Thank you so much Rabbitch!
I just want to say thank you for all of your ongoing generosity and enthusiasm in this little project.
I am so touched and impressed and humbled by the quality of people out there.
I keep laughing as you all tell me thanks for the opportunity and for the work I am doing; you don't have to, I am really doing so little in comparison.
Your caring, compassion, love, positive prayers and energy are miraculous. Truly miraculous. I do feel so incredibly humbled and I am so blessed to be such a part of this project.
Somehow I think just the organization required to co-ordinate this project and all the time spent opening and cataloging squares is no small task.
Posted by: May 27, 2006 at 09:32 AM
amen to what dorothy said!
Posted by: May 27, 2006 at 10:43 AM
Have fun stitching this weekend! I wish that I could be there.
Posted by: May 27, 2006 at 03:42 PM
Dude, you're sewing them all together. We get the fun part. I work for a charity that makes blankets and spend long evenings both finding people to sew squares and joining them myself, so I know whereof I speak.
Posted by: May 28, 2006 at 07:16 AM
I'm glad that the donations are pouring in! Our group at church of beginners is working on some squares this week.
Posted by: May 29, 2006 at 08:21 PM
ARGH! What I sent must have gone missing. I'll send another package-I guess she wasn't meant to have any lupins!
Posted by: June 04, 2006 at 08:53 PM