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May 27, 2006


Somehow I think just the organization required to co-ordinate this project and all the time spent opening and cataloging squares is no small task.

amen to what dorothy said!

Have fun stitching this weekend! I wish that I could be there.

Dude, you're sewing them all together. We get the fun part. I work for a charity that makes blankets and spend long evenings both finding people to sew squares and joining them myself, so I know whereof I speak.

I'm glad that the donations are pouring in! Our group at church of beginners is working on some squares this week.

ARGH! What I sent must have gone missing. I'll send another package-I guess she wasn't meant to have any lupins!

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  • I am collecting 5" knitted or crocheted squares (blocked please) in any kid friendly colour and with any pattern, made from 100% soft cotton or wool, to make blankets for children dealing with cancer.

The Goal of Warming Grace

  • The goal of Warming Grace is to make and donate at least 20 blankets for children dealing with cancer. Blankets will be made until there are no more squares, so bring 'em on!!!
  • If you know of a child in need of a blanket please email me.

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  • Take a button!

Knitters and Squares

  • Over 250 knitters to date!
  • Over 950 squares received to date!

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