In spite of the toxic soup that is Toronto right now (heat, humidity and pollution are such an evil combination) sewing was had on Sunday at Village Yarns.
In attendance were myself, Ann, Carole, Dawn, Debby, Julia and Jean-Anne. These chicks rock! I mean seriously rock! Given my various infirmities (of which everyone is also so considerate about) they took on the task of sorting and matching over 400 squares; it was an amazing sight to see. The squares laid out for Justin's blankie are below. We ended up going with a smaller blanket given that he is only 4 years old right now. This should be very comfy for him.
We had plenty of eats. Carole brought fruit salad, cookies, muffins, cheese, crackers and ju-jubes. The woman knows how to provide. Jean-Anne brought a fabulous broccoli salad and coleslaw. They were fantastic! Julia provided lemonade and mineral water. I brought some yummy stewed chicken made by Ed. Carol sent scones via Ann because she couldn't make it (and understands the value of carbs and sugar for hard working knitters!).
We made excellent progress and were able to sew together the panels for Justin and Grace's blankets, leaving just the panels.
At the end of the day Ann left with Simone's blanket to sew together (from sewing together the squares to sewing the panels to edging the blanket), Carole left with Gracie's blanket (to sew together the panels and edge the blanket), Julia left with Justin's blanket (to sew together the panels and edge the blanket) and Jean-Anne left with squares for two blankets to put together (sewing together the squares, the panels and do the edging).
Julia took the rest of the squares and sorted and divided them into coordinated piles for more sewing up. This girl is a dynamo - d-y-n-a-m-o!!! We have enough squares for at least 3 more blankets with more squares arriving daily.
Please don't fret if your square is not up there. All the squares will be used to make blankets - no square will go unused or unloved; they will all make some child warmer!
I am so humbled by their generosity and enthusiasm.
I am totally excited by the prospect that I will probably be able to send Justin's blanket out by the middle of next week.
I will post pictures of the completed blankets as soon as they are done. We are so close to having our first few!!!
By Monday night Julia had Justin's blanket sewn together and was working on the edging. Things are starting to take shape!
I do apologize for the total lack of photo content. I have pictures which Blogger is not letting me download ***!!@@##***- must be the heat (LOL). I will attempt to edit with photos when I am able or just publish another post but I had to get this up!
